Marnie Tocheniuk, Squamish physiotherapy manipulation treatments, visceralVisceral manipulation is a manual treatment technique which addresses issues with the viscera, or internal organs. Just as the musculoskeletal system moves, so must the internal organs. As we breath, twist, and bend the internal organs must slide and glide to accommodate the movement.

The viscera can be scarred down from previous surgeries, pulled or tensioned by fascia or ligaments, or in dysfunction due to illness, stress, disease, or poor diet. Not only does this affect the function of the visceral organ itself but it can also affect the function of the musculoskeletal system by tensioning the connective tissue that links the two systems together. Not surprisingly, the musculoskeletal system can conversely affect the function of the visceral organs.


The assessment and treatment involved in visceral manipulation is very subtle and gentle. It focuses on fascial pulls and tensions within the body. The manual aspect of visceral work focuses on releasing these pulls and tensions and re-establishing balance in the visceral organs, muscles, joints, fascia, and the nervous system. By re-establishing balance, there is often pain relief as well as improvement in the specific functions of the visceral organs themselves.

You can find out more about visceral manipulation from the Barral Institute website.